The best method of obtaining the list of available fields is to issue the meta command
This command will interogate the IQ system and return the list of fields. It should look something like the following table
TableName | Name | Type |
Account | Account | String |
Account | Name | String |
Account | Provider | String |
Account | Currency | String |
Account | ClientStatus | InstanceStatus |
Balance | Account | String |
Balance | Currency | String |
Balance | Type | String |
Balance | Amount | Decimal |
Holding | Account | String |
Holding | Exchange | String |
Holding | Code | String |
Holding | Currency | String |
Holding | Class | SymbolClass |
Holding | TotalCost | Decimal |
Holding | AveragePrice | Decimal |
Holding | TotalAvailable | Int64 |
Holding | TotalQuantity | Int64 |
Order | Account | String |
Order | OrderID | String |
Order | DepthOrderID | OrderKey |
Order | ExternalID | String |
Order | Symbol | String |
Order | Exchange | String |
Order | Side | OrderSide |
Order | Currency | String |
Order | OnExchange | String |
Order | TradingMarket | String |
Order | Status | String |
Order | Class | SymbolClass |
Order | CreatedDate | DateTimeOffset |
Order | UpdatedDate | DateTimeOffset |
Order | Type | OrderType |
Order | LimitPrice | Decimal |
Order | VisibleQuantity | Int64 |
Order | HiddenQuantity | Int64 |
Order | MinimumQuantity | Int64 |
Order | Validity | OrderValidity |
Order | ExpireDate | DateTimeOffset |
Order | ExecutedQuantity | Int64 |
Order | AveragePrice | Decimal |
Order | CumBrokerage | Decimal |
Order | EstimatedBrokerage | Decimal |
Order | Tax | Decimal |
Order | EstimatedTax | Decimal |
Order | CurrentValue | Decimal |
Order | EstimatedValue | Decimal |
Order | BrokerageSchedule | String |
Order | Route | String |
OrderStatus | Provider | String |
OrderStatus | Code | String |
OrderStatus | Allows | OrderActionType |
OrderStatus | Reason | OrderReasonType |
Transaction | ID | String |
Transaction | Account | String |
Transaction | Exchange | String |
Transaction | TradingMarket | String |
Transaction | Symbol | String |
Transaction | TradeDate | DateTimeOffset |
Transaction | Side | String |
Transaction | SettlementDate | DateTimeOffset |
Transaction | GrossAmount | Decimal |
Transaction | NetAmount | Decimal |
Transaction | SettlementAmount | Decimal |
Transaction | Currency | String |
Transaction | OrderID | String |
Transaction | SymbolClass | SymbolClass |
Transaction | TotalQuantity | Int64 |
Transaction | AveragePrice | Int64 |
Transaction | TotalUnits | Decimal |
Transaction | UnitValue | Decimal |
News | ID | String |
News | Source | String |
News | Date | DateTimeOffset |
News | SymbolCodes | String[] |
News | Headline | String |
News | Type | String |
News | Sensitivity | NewsPriority |
News | URI | Uri |
News | Origin | String |
NewsSources | Source | String |
NewsSources | Feed | InstanceStatus |
ChartHistory | DateTime | DateTimeOffset |
ChartHistory | Open | Decimal |
ChartHistory | High | Decimal |
ChartHistory | Low | Decimal |
ChartHistory | Close | Decimal |
ChartHistory | NumberOfTrades | Int32 |
Depth | SymbolCode | String |
Depth | Code | String |
Depth | Market | String |
Depth | ID | OrderKey |
Depth | Position | Int32 |
Depth | BrokerCode | String |
Depth | Quantity | Int64 |
Depth | Price | Decimal |
Depth | CrossRef | String |
Depth | Side | OrderSide |
Depth | HasUndisclosed | Boolean |
Depth | Attributes | String |
DepthLevel | SymbolCode | String |
DepthLevel | Code | String |
DepthLevel | Market | String |
DepthLevel | ID | OrderKey |
DepthLevel | Price | Decimal |
DepthLevel | Side | OrderSide |
DepthLevel | HasUndisclosed | Boolean |
DepthLevel | Volume | Int64 |
DepthLevel | Count | Int32 |
Market | Market | String |
Market | Feed | InstanceStatus |
Market | TradingDate | DateTimeOffset |
Market | MarketTime | DateTimeOffset |
Market | DefaultTradingMarket | String |
Market | TradingMarketStatuses | Dictionary |
Security | SymbolCode | String |
Security | Code | String |
Security | Market | String |
Security | Exchange | String |
Security | Name | String |
Security | Status | String |
Security | QuotationBasis | String |
Security | StatusNote | String |
Security | Open | Decimal |
Security | High | Decimal |
Security | Low | Decimal |
Security | Close | Decimal |
Security | PreviousClose | Decimal |
Security | Last | Decimal |
Security | Trend | TrendType |
Security | Volume | Int64 |
Security | NumberOfTrades | Int32 |
Security | VWAP | Decimal |
Security | ValueTraded | Decimal |
Security | LastTradedTime | DateTimeOffset |
Security | OpenInterest | Int64 |
Security | TotalClassIssue | Int64 |
Security | IndicativePrice | Decimal |
Security | SurplusVolume | Int64 |
Security | EquilibriumVolume | Int64 |
Security | BestBuyPrice | Decimal |
Security | BestSellPrice | Decimal |
Security | BestBidHasUndisclosed | Boolean |
Security | BestAskHasUndisclosed | Boolean |
Security | BestBidCount | Int32 |
Security | BestAskCount | Int32 |
Security | BuyQuantity | Int64 |
Security | SellQuantity | Int64 |
Security | ExpiryDate | DateTime |
Security | StrikePrice | Decimal |
Security | CallOrPut | DerivativeSide |
Security | ExerciseType | ExerciseType |
Security | ContractSize | Decimal |
Security | IsIndex | Boolean |
Security | IsCombination | Boolean |
Security | Underlying | String |
Security | TradingMarkets | String[] |
Security | StartDate | DateTime |
Security | Class | SymbolClass |
Security | CFI | String |
Security | CategoryCodes | String[] |
Security | Attributes | Object |
Security | ExtendedPrices | Object |
Security | DepthDirection | DepthDirection |
Security | SubscriptionData | AssetDataType |
Symbol | SymbolCode | String |
Symbol | Code | String |
Symbol | Name | String |
Symbol | Market | String |
Symbol | Exchange | String |
Symbol | ExpiryDate | DateTime |
Symbol | StrikePrice | Decimal |
Symbol | CallOrPut | DerivativeSide |
Symbol | ExerciseType | ExerciseType |
Symbol | ContractSize | Decimal |
Symbol | IsIndex | Boolean |
Symbol | IsCombination | Boolean |
Symbol | Underlying | String |
Symbol | TradingMarkets | String[] |
Symbol | Class | SymbolClass |
Symbol | CFI | String |
Security | CategoryCodes | String[] |
Security | Attributes | Object |
Symbol | DepthDirection | DepthDirection |
Symbol | SubscriptionData | AssetDataType |
Trade | SymbolCode | String |
Trade | Code | String |
Trade | Market | String |
Trade | ID | Int64 |
Trade | Quantity | Int64 |
Trade | Price | Decimal |
Trade | TradedAt | DateTimeOffset |
Trade | Flags | TradeFlags |
Trade | ConditionCodes | String |
Trade | Aggressor | OrderSide |
Trade | Affects | TradeStatistic |
Trade | Trend | TrendType |
Trade | Attributes | String |
Trade | RelatedID | Int64 |
Trade | BuyBroker | String |
Trade | BuyCrossRef | String |
Trade | BuyOrderID | OrderKey |
Trade | SellBroker | String |
Trade | SellCrossRef | String |
Trade | SellOrderID | OrderKey |
TradingState | Market | String |
TradingState | Name | String |
TradingState | Reason | TradingStateReason |
TradingState | Allows | TradingActionType |
CatalogueField | TableName | String |
CatalogueField | Name | String |
CatalogueField | Type | String |
CatalogueTable | Name | String |
CatalogueTable | IsSystem | Boolean |